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Chapter 1 – Installation
Read Me
Please be sure to have a look at the Read Me document on the installation CD for
any important last minute updates from us.
Eventide Band Delays comes in one tidy installer that contains all the necessary files
for use under Mac OS 9 or OS X. Boot into the Mac OS that you want to install under
before beginning the installation. If you use Pro Tools 5.x, then you’ll need to boot
into OS 9. Pro Tools 6.x users will want to be running Mac OS X before beginning the
installation. Then run the Eventide Band Delays Installer directly from the Application
CD that came with the product. Follow the instructions on-screen to complete the
Please refer to www.eventide.com
for the latest on supported operating systems and
Pro Tools platforms.
Allocating Memory
If you are running OS9, plug-ins with extensive graphics, such as Eventide Band
Delays, may require increasing your DAE memory allocation to run optimally.