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Output Level
Each filtered voice’s output level is controlled by this parameter.
All eight filters can be placed anywhere in the stereo field using the Pan parameters.
Note that the Global Pan control can modify the overall stereo image. The number
box to the right indicates its actual pan value.
MIDI Note Mode
This parameter determines how the individual filtered voices will respond to incoming
MIDI notes. To help you understand how the modes differ, try out each one while
playing single notes and chords on a connected MIDI keyboard.
Off – incoming MIDI notes are ignored.
Routed – each time a new note is received, the filters are tuned to the
currently pressed keys. The lowest note is routed to Filter 1, the next lowest to
Filter 2, etc. If less than eight notes are pressed, the notes will be repeated
until all the filters are tuned. For example, playing a single note will tune all
eight filters.
Ordered – notes are sent to the filters in the order they are received. The first
note played will be sent to Filter 1, the next note played is sent to Filter 2 and
so on. When all keys are released, the mode is reset so that a new set of
played notes will begin at Filter 1.