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Revert is a special button that gives you the freedom to return to the effect settings
you were working on before you loaded one or more Snapshots. It’s very much like
compare, except that you can load a gajiillion Snapshots, and still get back the
same parameter values that you had edited prior to loading Snapshots.
You’ll notice that as soon as you click on a Snapshot button, the Revert button pops
out to indicate that you can press it. Click on some other Snapshots. It’s still out. If
you click on Revert, it goes back in and you’re back to your original edits.
You’ll also notice that the selected Snapshot button pops out and becomes unlit as
soon as you change a parameter’s value. This is to indicate that you are no longer
listening to a Snapshot.
Global vs. Current
There are two kinds of Snapshots, Global and Current, and they are grouped in banks
of 16 Snapshots. During installation, the Global bank is created as a preference file
on your hard drive. You can overwrite each of these 16 defaults at any time and
they will be available for every instance of the Band Delays plug-in, on every Pro
Tools session on the hard drive. Use these like your favorite 16 Band Delays effects.
You can even copy this file and move it to other systems that have Band Delays
installed so you can take your favorites with you.
Now, the Current bank is a little different. When the plug-in is first inserted on a
channel, the Global bank is copied into the Current bank. At this point, they’re the
same. The only difference is that the Current Snapshots are saved with the current
instance of the Band Delays plug-in. If you save changes to one of the Current