
selecting it via the selection list box, changing the configuration as
required, and then choosing Save.
Choose the Close button to exit this dialog box and return to the
Site Channel Configuration List dialog box. If any changes have
been made and not saved, you will be prompted
(Write Changes to Disk?) to save and exit (Yes), exit without saving
(No), or cancel the Close command and remain in the dialog box
Site Channel Configuration List dialog box
Choose the Send button to send the site channel configuration data to
the respective interface module. This procedure must be performed
before the interface module will operate with the new configuration.
Only configured and configured-and-active (C and C/A prefixes)
configurations may be sent. All configuration data is sent to the MOM
Controller Board; the Audio configuration is sent directly out from
there to the respective interface module Controller Board. A "Send to
Site Successful" message will be received to confirm that the data was
received by the interface module Controller Board. Bus Slot
configuration data is compared to the current configuration at the
CEC/IMC Manager; if different, it is sent to the MOM Controller
Board (if not, no further action is taken by the system) and when the
MOM Controller Board receives this new data it will send an
acknowledgment message back to the CEC/IMC Manager, which will
then display the confirmation box: "Do you want to activate TDM Bus
Slots? OK - will cause all CTRL boards to reset." Choose OK to
activate TDM Bus Slots (resetting Controller Boards) with the new Bus
Slot configuration data, choose Cancel to not activate TDM Bus Slots
with the new Bus Slot configuration data (keeping the previous
configuration) and return to the Site Channel Configuration List
dialog box.
Choose the Close button to exit the Site Channel Configuration List
dialog box and return to the CEC/IMC Manager main window. Any
"**" (unconfigured and unsaved) NIMs appearing in the
Configured/Active Sites list box will be removed and returned to the
Configurable Sites list box.