
COM 1, COM 2, COM 3 or COM 4, as required using the respective
option button in the dialog box.
The selected serial port interrupt request line (IRQ) and base I/O port
address settings are established from the Microsoft Windows NT
Control Panel program settings. Typically, no IRQ or address changes
are ever required. However, if using non-standard serial port hardware,
changes may be necessary. If using non-standard serial port hardware,
consult the hardware manufacture's documentation for specific IRQ and
base I/O address details.
CEC/IMC Manager-MOM Baud Rate
Baud rate selection for the CEC/IMC Manager MOM Controller
Board serial link is accomplished using the CEC/IMC Manager BAUD
Rate drop-down list box. In this list box baud rates of 9600 and 19.2k
baud are available, select 9600 or 19.2k baud as required. This setting
configures the previously chosen PC COM port for the selected rate.
Since the MOM Controller Board port used for CEC/IMC Manager
interfacing is auto-baud sensing, a baud rate change at the MOM
Controller Board is not necessary when a change is made in this list
System Manager-MOM Baud Rate
The MOM Controller Board port used for interfacing with the System
Manager computer is configurable for 9600 or 19.2k baud using the
System Manager BAUD Rate drop-down list box. Unlike the
CEC/IMC Manager MOM Controller Board setting, this setting
must match the setting at the System Manager before MOM Controller
Board System Manager communication can occur, the System
Manager is not equipped with an auto-baud serial port. Refer to your
particular System Manager LBI for System Manager baud rate
configuration information. Select 9600 or 19.2k baud as required from
the drop-down list box.
Data Logging Of GSC Traffic
Once each day at midnight (00:00), the CEC/IMC Manager creates a
new datalog file and it names the file in accordance with the date. For
example, a datalog file created on July 2, 1996 will be named
. This data can be viewed using the on-line
Calls Translation and GSC Monitor functions (available by selecting
Monitor System on the CEC/IMC Manager menu bar) described in
Chapter 4, SYSTEM MONITORING, or the CALLS.EXE and