
error/warning triggered outputs are assigned to consoles by use of a
console mask.
Type (Device) and Assign (Device)
Each event is assigned to a specific interface module (device) within the
CEC/IMC. The Device Type and Assignment fields uniquely identify
the Controller Board to which the I/O equipment will be wired. All
Controller Boards support Aux I/O except XLTR Controller Boards.
Select the device type from the Type drop-down list box; enter the
assignment number of the selected device in the Assign text box.
The Bit field specifies which (Controller Board) input or output bit (0 -
7) is assigned to the event. There are eight input bits and eight output
bits per Controller Board. Enter the bit value (0 - 7) in the Bit text box.
Active State
Each I/O event must be assigned an active state "High" or "Low." An
output event will be set to its active state whenever its trigger condition
is present. An input event will display its message at the console
whenever the specified input transitions to its active state. The high or
low state of an I/O event is relative to the actual state of the I/O pin as
seen by the Controller Board's processor. This may be inverted from
the state of the user equipment connected to the Auxiliary I/O
Concentrator Card due to the wiring of the external connections and the
buffering circuitry on the Controller Board. See CEC/IMC Digital
Audio Switch Installation, Set-Up and Troubleshooting (LBI-38938)
for details on the logic characteristics and wiring connections to
Controller Board auxiliary I/O ports. Select either High or Low from
the Active State drop-down list box.
Event Type
Each event must be defined as either an output event or an input event.
Output events change state in response to the specified trigger
condition. Input events display a message (up to eight characters in
length) at consoles in response to a change in state of the respective
input bit. Interlocking group control (Output Interlock), available only
with the C3 Maestro for Windows NT console, will allow tying up to
eight output events together; acting on one event will also act on the
other events in that "interlocked group." As mentioned earlier, this
console feature is not available in the first release, and see C3 Maestro
for Windows NT Engineering Release Notes (1551-CXC 112 887 Uen)
for the console limitations in its first release. See CEC/IMC Digital
Audio Switch Installation, Set-Up and Troubleshooting (LBI-38938)