174 | Index
mounting printer on, 23 to 32
unpacking and assembling,
20 to 21
Status Monitor
Mac OS X, 98 to 99
Windows, 121 to 124
Storing printer, 146 to 147
Suction, 76, 89, 115
Super strong cleaning cycle, 138
Support, Epson, 10 to 11
System requirements, 11 to 12
Take-up reel
installing, 25 to 30
using, 62 to 68
Technical support, 10 to 11
Temperature requirements, 165
Test Print menu, 126
Time and date setting, 136
Total prints, checking, 127
Transporting printer, 146 to 148
Trim lines, printing
control panel, 61
Mac OS X, 91
Windows, 110
Troubleshooting, 149 to 163
UltraChromeK3 ink cartridges, 134
Uninstalling software, 164
Unit ID number, 10
Unpacking the printer, 22 to 23
Usage count, 127
USB cable
connecting, 35
requirements, 11, 12
User-defined paper size
Mac OS X, 82
Windows, 108
Utility menu
Mac OS X, 98, 128
Windows, 122, 128
Waste ink system, 126 to 127,
141 to 143
Weight of printer, 165
Width of printer, 165
advanced print options, 106 to 117
basic print options, 102 to 104
black and white photos, 115 to 117
borderless printing, 109 to 112
canceling print jobs, 121
color management, 106 to 117
customizing printer driver,
117 to 120
driver, 101 to 117
installing software, 41 to 43
layout options, 108 to 113
managing print jobs, 121 to 124
monitoring preferences, setting,
123 to 124
optimizing print speed, 122 to 123
paper configuration options,
114 to 115
roll paper options, 108 to 113
Speed and Progress utility,
122 to 123
status alerts, 123
Status Monitor, 121 to 124
system requirements, 12
uninstalling software, 164
user-defined paper size, 108