the maximum number of dots you can reserve on the IX86, then, is:
or, in the other format:
which is
dots plus 7 times 256 dots, for a total of 1920 dots in one
Once you have chosen the number of columns you want to use,
you can have your program do the calculations for you with the
following format:
CHR$ (27) "L" CHR$ (N MOD 256) CHR$ (INT(N/256));
N is the total number of columns you want to specify. The MOD
(modulus) function calculates the value for n
, and the INT (integer)
function calculates the value for n
. For programming languages other
than BASIC, consult your manual for the proper form for these
This format can be used with any graphics density and with any
value of N up to the maximum number of columns per line for that
WIDTH Statements
Many computer systems automatically insert the control codes for
a carriage return and a line feed after every 80 characters. This inser-
tion is usually no problem with text, but it can spoil your graphics. In
the graphics mode they may insert the control codes after 120 col-
umns, which could be in the middle of a line.
You can usually prevent these unwanted control codes with a
WIDTH statement such as the one below:
The format for your system may be different. Consult your computer
or computer language manual to find the correct format for your
system. Then put a WIDTH statement in one of the first lines of all
your graphics programs. It is easier to put a WIDTH statement in all
but the simplest of your programs than to examine each one to see
whether or not such a statement is necessary.