Appendix F
Troubleshooting and Advanced Features
This appendix approaches troubleshooting from several directions.
The first section uses a columnar format to match solutions with
problems. Other sections cover beeper error warnings, hexadecimal
data dumping, coding and seven-bit solutions, and specific solutions
for several popular personal computer systems.
Problem/Solution Summary
Possible problems are listed on the left and solutions on the right.
Setting print styles
Can’t get condensed print.
Horizontal tabs don’t work.
Horizontal tabs are incorrect
when changing pitch.
Strange things print.
Cancel emphasized; it has
priority over condensed.
Set margins before tabs, not after.
Tabs are set according to current
print pitch. Changes in pitch do
not affect the position of the tabs
on the page.
Some systems require a WIDTH
statement. See your system docu-
Many computers have problems
sending one or more of the codes
between 0 and 13. Avoid any that