See the Preface for a list of the conventions used in this manual,
Appendix A for a table of the ASCII codes, and Appendixes B and C
for tables of the control codes. Appendix F offers programming solu-
tions to interfacing problems, while Appendix E lists the defaults and
shows the DIP switch settings. See also the Quick Reference Card.
Here are the DIP switches that we mentioned in this chapter:
Switch 2-2
Controls the beeper
Switch 2-4
Controls the number of vertical lines that the
printer spaces at the end of a print line
Here are the codes that we have covered in this chapter, listed in the
order of their appearance:
Causes a beep
Prepares the printer to accept other control
codes (Escape code)
Turns Italic Mode ON
Resets the printer to its defaults (Reset Code)
CHR$(27)“5” Turns Italic Mode OFF
DELetes the latest text character in the print
CANcels all text in the print buffer