
Chapter 12
Design Your Own Graphics
In this chapter we take you through the development of two
graphics programs, from design to implementation. The two pro-
grams use entirely different techniques. The first program uses a
method of storing and recalling data similar to that of the curling pro-
gram in the last chapter. You store pin patterns and their repetition
factors in DATA statements to produce a pattern that is suitable as a
The second program does not read pin patterns from DATA state-
ments at all. Instead, you code the few necessary pin patterns into the
program as constants. You do store values in DATA lines-to control
the number of times each pattern is to be repeated.
These examples show how easy it is to create high-resolution dot
graphics on your FX. We hope they inspire you to include graphics in
your own programs.
Planning Process
It should be apparent by now that printing high-resolution images
requires careful planning and lots of data. Programs available for
some computers enable users to draw figures on the screen, then echo
them to the printer. Without such a program, there really is no quick
and easy way to calculate the data required for pin patterns.
Once you have a design, you can usually plan your graphics
program most easily by following these steps:
Plot the design, dot by dot, on graph paper.