Figure 1-21. Cable connection
Control panel
When the control panel’s ON LINE light is on, the printer and com-
puter are in direct communication and the FF (form feed) and LF (line
feed) buttons have no effect. Go ahead, try pushing one.
To use the FF and LF button; press the ON LINE button to turn it
off. Now you can see what the other buttons do.
Press the LF button briefly, then release it. That produces one line
feed. Now hold the LF button down for a moment to produce several
line feeds.
The FF button advances the paper one complete page(form). If you
hold the button down, it advances several forms. Ideally, you’ll set the
top-of-form position before you turn on the printer. That way, your
printing can start on the first line of the paper. If you turn the printer
on while the print head is sitting in the middle of a form, that is pre-
cisely where the next form will start when you press the FF button or
your program sends the FX a form feed.
Remember that the ON LINE light has to be off for the FF and LF
buttons to work.
The FX tests itself
Now it’s time to see how your new FX operates. If you’re using an
FX-100, be sure you have full-width (15-inch printing area) paper