html.bk Rev. F
SETNW.FM A5 size
Proof Sign-off:
KOW N.Mizuno H.Tomizawa
NOC K. Lee
In NetWare Administrator, select the Directory context icon.
Select Create from the Object menu, then select NDPS
Printer. Enter the Printer Agent name, select Create a new
Printer Agent, then click Create. Select the NDPS Manager
you have created, and select Novell Printer Gateway for the
Gateway Type. Click OK.
4. Select None for the Printer Type, and Novell Port Handler
for the Port Handler Type, then click OK.
5. Select the Connection type, and configure it as follows.
❏ For Remote (rpinter on IPX) connection
Print a status sheet of the network interface and configure
the corresponding items.
Port Type: Select LPT1.
SAP Name: Enter the Primary Print Server Name.
Printer Number: Enter the Printer Port Number.
Network: Enter the Network Address.
Node: Enter the MAC Address.
Interrupt: Select None.
❏ For Remote (LPR on IP) connection
IP Address: Enter the IP address of the network interface.
You can confirm the IP address on a status sheet.
❏ For Forward jobs to Queue connection
Queue Name: Enter the queue name that the network
interface uses in legacy queue-based print services (either
in Print Server mode or Remote Printer mode).
Queue User Name: Type a user name who has rights for
the above queue.
Password: Enter the password that the Queue User uses
to login to the server.
6. Select None for the Printer Driver.
7. Confirm the Printer Agent that you have just created.