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Proof Sign-off:
KOW N.Mizuno H.Tomizawa
NOC K. Lee
EpsonNet Config with Web Browser
About EpsonNet Config
EpsonNet Config with Web Browser is a Web-based utility
designed to configure the network interface for use on a network.
By typing the IP address of the network interface for the URL in
your browser, you can start EpsonNet Config to allow you to
configure the network interface for TCP/IP, NetWare, MS
Network, AppleTalk, IPP, and SNMP.
Supported Web browser
❏ Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later
❏ Netscape Communicator version 4.0 or later
❏ Netscape Navigator version 3.02 or later
About Web browser setting
When running EpsonNet Config with Web Browser, be sure not
to use a proxy server to access the Internet. If the Access the
Internet using a proxy server check box is selected, you cannot
use EpsonNet Config with Web Browser. Use the following steps
to clear the Access the Internet using a proxy server check box.
1. Right-click the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop, and
then select Properties.
2. Click the Connection tab.