
Nov 2006
4.7.5 Setting the Pulse repetition frequency Screen display “Prf”
Factory default value: 1.0
The rate of pulses transmitted by the MSP400 is set at a factory default value of once per second.
The MSP400 may be set to transmit faster or more slowly at selected repetition rates between 0.5 and
2.0 times per second.
The pulse repetition frequency may be changed to overcome cross talk problems if more than one
ultrasonic transmitter is mounted in the same tank.
To change the pulse repetition frequency:
a) Press the blue button to enter the pulse repetition frequency menu and to display the current value
in use. If this is correct, press the red button return to the main menu.
If the pulse repetition frequency is to be changed, press the blue button again to allow editing
The pulse repetition frequency value currently in use will now be shown flashing on the display.
b) Use the green button to scroll through the options available (0.5 to 2.0).
c) Use the blue button to select the chosen pulse repetition frequency.
If the new pulse repetition frequency is incorrect, the edit sequence can be re-started by pressing the
blue button again.
If the pulse repetition frequency is correct, press the red button to save the new pulse repetition
frequency to memory and automatically scroll on to the next main menu option: “Stir”
4.7.6 Setting a valid echo count Screen display “Stir”
Factory default value: 4
This parameter is normally used in vessels with a stirrer or agitator, particularly if it is slow moving, it is
possible for the MSP400 to detect uncovered blades and treat them as a valid echo, thus calculating an
incorrect level reading.
The MSP400 may be set to one of a list of pre-selected times in the range 1 to 100
Lowering = faster response
To change the valid echo count :
a) Press the blue button to enter the stirrer menu and to display the current value in use. If this is
correct, press the red button return to the main menu.
If the valid echo count is to be changed, press the blue button again to allow editing
The valid echo count currently in use will now be shown flashing on the display.
b) Use the green button to scroll through the options available (1 to 100).
c) Use the blue button to select the chosen valid echo count.
If the valid echo count is incorrect, the edit sequence can be re-started by pressing the blue button
If the valid echo count is correct, press the red button to save the valid echo count to memory and
automatically scroll on to the next main menu option: “SPi”