
Nov 2006
4.0 Commissioning, programming and operation
The MSP400 operates from a menu of parameters, each held in a specific memory location within the
instrument. The memory locations may be pictured as a matrix, and the user navigates to each parameter
to programme the instrument usingand steps.
Refer now to the Main Menu structure shown in Appendix A
The MSP400 leaves the factory pre-programmed with a value in each parameter location such that , when
the power is first applied, the instrument will give a sensible reading. A list of default values is given in
the parameter listing in Appendix B.
The MSP400 is HART enabled, allowing remote communications with the instrument.
The instrument can therefore be either programmed using a suitable HART compatible master, or may be
programmed locally using the push buttons provided inside the instrument. For details of local
programming, continue reading this section. For details of HART communications, refer to Appendix D.
4.1 Display and push buttons.
Button Colour : Green Blue Red
The main display allows display of up to 5 characters, which in the normal run mode will be the
measurement, termed the Primary Variable (PV) of the instrument, or in the programming mode will be
data to assist in programming.
To the left of the main display are 4 arrow icons, only one of which will be illuminated at any one time to
indicate the duty chosen by the user.
To the right of the main display are 2 arrow icons which indicate the status of the transmitter relays.
When illuminated, they indicate that the relay contact is closed.
Under the main display is a text string which allows display of the units of measurement. The instrument
will illuminate only those characters applicable to the units of measurement chosen.
To the right of the text string is an echo received icon made up of 3 arc segments which continuously
indicate the strength of the echo received (minimum, average and good)
/hringal/s @max