
Nov 2006
Note: The complete range of options is displayed, regardless of the duty selected earlier.
e) Once the desired profile is shown (flashing) on the display, press the blue button to select this
option. It will now stop flashing.
f) If the chosen profile is incorrect, the edit sequence for the profile selection can be re-started by
pressing the blue button again.
If the profile is correct, press the red button to save the profile to memory and automatically scroll on
to the next main menu option.
The next menu item presented will depend upon the flow profile chosen :-
i) 3/2 5/2 : the next menu item will be “SCALE”
The MSP400 will automatically calculate the Power factor and only requies the K factor to be
Refer to section 4.4.6
ii) Manning : the next menu item will be “LEUEL @ max”.
Refer to section 4.4.7.
iii) Parshall, FF or FP : the next menu item will be “d”. The MSP400 will automatically calculate the
appropriate Power factor and K factor, and will set the 4mA point at zero flow and the 20mA point
at maximum flow.
Refer to section 4.4.12. Contents measurement
Lin Linear (factory default setting)
H.CYL.F Horizontal cylinder on it’s side with flat ends
SPH. Spherical vessel
H.CYL.D Horizontal cylinder on it’s side with dished ends
To change the contents profile:
a) Press the green button to display the “ProF” menu entry screen.
b) Press the blue button to display the current selection. If this selection is correct, press the red
button to return to the main menu.
c) To change the profile to one of the other options, press the blue button to enter the “ProF” menu.
The current selection will now be flashing, indicating it may be changed.
d) Press the green button to scroll through the list of available profile options, as given in the table
Note: The complete range of options is displayed, regardless of the duty selected earlier.
e) Once the desired profile is shown (flashing) on the display, press the blue button to select this
option. It will now stop flashing.
f) If the chosen profile is incorrect, the edit sequence for the profile selection can be re-started by
pressing the blue button again.
If the profile chosen is “Lin”, press the red button to save the profile to memory and automatically
scroll on to the next main menu option “SCALE”.
Refer to section 4.4.6.