
Setting this system attribute makes debugging on an SMP system easier.
For information about the advantages provided see Section 2.1.11.
8. Set the OPTIONS KDEBUG configuration file option in your test kernel.
To set this option, run the
doconfig command without flags, as shown:
# doconfig
Choose KERNEL BREAKPOINT DEBUGGING from the kernel options
menu when it is displayed by doconfig. Once doconfig finishes
building a new kernel, copy that kernel to the /vmunix file and reboot
your system. For more information about using the kernel options menu
to modify the kernel, see the
System Administration manual.
2.3.2 Invoking the kdebug Debugger
You invoke the kdebug debugger as follows:
1. Invoke the dbx debugger on the build system, supplying the pathname
of the test kernel. Set a breakpoint and start running dbx as follows:
# dbx -remote vmunix
dbx version 5.0
Type helpfor help.
main: 602 p = &proc[0];
(dbx) stop in main
[2] stop in main
(dbx) run
Note that you can set a breakpoint anytime after the execution of the
kdebug_bootstrap() routine. Setting a breakpoint prior to the
execution of this routine can result in unpredictable behavior.
You can use all valid dbx flags with the -remote flag and define entries
in your $HOME/.dbxinit file as usual. For example, suppose you
start the dbx session in a directory other than the one that contains
the source and object files used to build the vmunix kernel you are
running on the test system. In this case, use the -I command flag or
the use command in your $HOME/.dbxinit file to point dbx to the
appropriate source and object files. For more information, see dbx(1)
and the Programmer’s Guide.
2. Halt the test system and, at the console prompt (three right angle
brackets), set the boot_osflags console variable to contain the k
option, and then boot the system. For example:
>>> set boot_osflags "k"
>>> boot
Once you boot the kernel, it begins executing. The dbx debugger will
halt execution at the breakpoint you specified, and you can begin issuing
Kernel Debugging Utilities 2–41