trap: invalid memory ifetch access from kernel mode
This message describes the kernel memory fault and indicates that the
kernel was unable to fetch a needed instruction.
The preserved message buffer also contains the faulting virtual address,
the pc of the instruction that failed, the contents of the return address
register, and the stack pointer at the time of the memory fault.
The kernel process status list shows the processes that were active
at the time of the crash.
5 The _current_pid label marks the process ID of the process that was
executing at the time of the crash. In this case, it is the tar process,
which is identified as process 489 in the kernel process status list.
6 The _current_tid label marks the address of the thread that was
executing at the time of the crash.
7 The dump section shows information about the variables passed to
the routines executing at the time of the crash. In this case, the dump
displays variable information for the boot, panic, and trap functions.
8 The kernel thread list shows the threads of execution in the kernel.
This information can be helpful for verifying which routine called the
panic function.
9 The savedefp variable contains a pointer to the exception frame.
10 The kernel memory fault data displays the following information,
recorded at the time of the memory fault:
• The fault_va variable contains the faulting virtual address.
• The fault_pc variable contains the pc.
• The fault_ra variable contains the return address of the calling
• The fault_sp variable contains the stack pointer.
• The access variable contains the access code, which is zero (0) for
read access, 1 for write access, and -1 for execute access.
• The status variable contains the process status register.
• The cpunum variable contains the number of the CPU that faulted.
• The count variable contains the number of CPUs on the system.
• The pcb variable contains a pointer to the process control block.
• The thread variable contains a pointer to the current thread.
• The task variable contains a pointer to the current task.
• The proc variable contains the address of the process status table.
A–6 Output from the crashdc Command