Source not available
thread 0x8d42dd70 stopped at [thread_block:1289 +0x18,0xfffffc00003394b8] \
Source not available
tset 0x8d42f5d0
thread 0x8d42f5d0 stopped at [boot:696 ,0xfffffc00003e119c] Source not ava\
(dbx) t
> 0 boot(paniced = 0, arghowto = 0) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/mac\
hdep.c":694, 0xfffffc00003e1198]
1 panic(s = 0xfffffc000048a098 = " sp contents at time of fault: 0x%l01\
6x\r\n\n") ["../../../../src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":1110, 0xfffffc00002beef4]
2 trap() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c":677, 0xfffffc00003ecc70]
3 _XentMM() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":828, 0xfffffc000\
4 pmap_release_page(pa = 18446744071785586688) ["../../../../src/kernel/ar\
ch/alpha/pmap.c":640, 0xfffffc00003e3ecc]
5 put_free_ptepage(page = 5033216) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/pma\
p.c" :534, 0xfffffc00003e3ca0]
6 pmap_destroy(map = 0xffffffff8d5bc428) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alp\
ha/p map.c":1891, 0xfffffc00003e6140]
7 vm_map_deallocate(map = 0xffffffff81930ee0) ["../../../../src/kernel/vm/\
vm_map.c":482, 0xfffffc00003d03c0]
8 task_deallocate(task = 0xffffffff8d568d48) ["../../../../src/kernel/kern\
/task.c":237, 0xfffffc000033c1dc]
9 thread_deallocate(thread = 0x4e4360) ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/threa\
d.c":689, 0xfffffc000033d83c]
10 reaper_thread() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/thread.c":1952, 0xfffffc00\
11 reaper_thread() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/thread.c":1901, 0xfffffc00\
(dbx) q
1 Display the panic string (panicstr) to view the panic message, if any.
This message indicates that a memory fault occurred.
2 Perform a stack trace of the current thread. Because this thread does
not show a call to the panic function, you need to look at other threads.
3 Examine the system’s threads. The thread most likely to contain the
panic is the boot thread because the boot function always executes
immediately before the system crashes. If the boot thread does not
exist, you must examine every thread of every process in the process list.
4 Point dbx to the boot thread at address 0x8d42f5d0.
5 In this example, the problem is in the pmap_release_page function at
line 640 of the pmap.c file.
4.5 Identifying the Cause of a Crash on an SMP System
If you are analyzing crash dump files from an SMP system, you must first
determine on which CPU the panic occurred. You can then continue crash
dump analysis as you would on a single processor system.
The following example shows a method for determining which CPU caused
the crash and which function called the panic function:
Crash Analysis Examples 4–9