Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Table A-1 defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this publication.
Table A -1 A cr on yms
Acronym Expansion
ACE access control entry
ACL access control list
AFI authority and format identifier
Agport aggregation port
ALPS Airline Protocol Support
AMP Active Monitor Present
APaRT Automated Packet Recognition and Translation
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AV attribute value
AVVID Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data
BDD binary decision diagrams
BECN backward explicit congestion notification
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BPDU bridge protocol data unit
BRF bridge relay function
BSC Bisync
BSTUN Block Serial Tunnel
BUS broadcast and unknown server
BVI bridge-group virtual interface
CAM content-addressable memory
CAR committed access rate
CCA circuit card assembly
CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol
CEF Cisco Express Forwarding
CGMP Cisco Group Management Protocol