Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Chapter 8 Configuring Power over Ethernet
Switch# show power detail
Power Fan Inline
Supply Model No Type Status Sensor Status
------ ---------------- --------- ----------- ------- -------
PS1 PWR-C45-1300ACV AC 1300W good good good
PS2 none -- -- -- --
Power supplies needed by system : 1
Power supplies currently available : 1
Power Summary Maximum
(in Watts) Used Available
---------------------- ---- ---------
System Power (12V) 480 1000
Inline Power (-50V) 138 800
Backplane Power (3.3V) 0 0
---------------------- ---- ---------
Total 618 (not to exceed Total Maximum Available = 1300)
Module Inline Power Summary (Watts)
(12V -> -48V on board conversion)
Mod Used Available
--- ---- ---------
1 128 158
--- ---- ---------
Watts Used of System Power (12V)
Mod Model currently out of reset in reset
---- ----------------- --------- ------------ --------
1 WS-X4013+TS 330 330 330
2 WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V 60 60 20
3 WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V 60 60 20
-- Fan Tray 30 -- --
----------------------- --------- ------------ -------
Total 480 450 370
Watts used of Chassis Inline Power (-50V)
Inline Power Admin Inline Power Oper
Mod Model PS Device PS Device Efficiency
---- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
2 WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V 138 123 73 65 89
3 WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V 0 0 22 20 89
----------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
Total 138 123 95 85
Watts used of Module Inline Power (12V -> -50V)
Inline Power Admin Inline Power Oper
Mod Model PS Device PS Device Efficiency
---- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
1 WS-X4013+TS 128 128 64 64 100
----------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------