Administration: Discovery
Configuring LLDP
113 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
STEP 1 Click Administration > Discovery - LLDP > LLDP Statistics.
For each port, the fields are displayed:
• Interface—Identifier of interface.
• Tx Frames Total—Number of transmitted frames.
• Rx Frames
To t a l
—Number of received frames.
—Total number of received frames that were discarded.
—Total number of received frames with errors.
• Rx TLVs
—Total number of received TLVs that were discarded.
—Total number of received TLVs that were unrecognized.
• Neighbor’s Information Deletion Count—Number of neighbor ageouts on
the interface.
STEP 2 Click Refresh to view the latest statistics.
LLDP Overloading
LLDP adds information as LLDP and LLDP-MED TLVs into the LLDP packets. LLDP
overload occurs when the total amount of information to be included in a LLDP
packet exceed the maximum PDU size supported by an interface.
The LLDP Overloading page
displays the number of bytes of LLDP/LLDP-MED
information, the number of available bytes for additional LLDP information, and the
overloading status of every interface.
To view LLDP overloading information:
STEP 1 Click Administration > Discovery - LLDP > LLDP Overloading.
This page contains the following fields for each port:
• Interface—Port identifier.
• Total (By tes)—Total number of bytes of LLDP information in each packet