Chapter 4 Configuring the Address Resolution Protocol
Configuring ARP Timeout
Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide
Configuring ARP Timeout
To set the time, in seconds, to hold an ARP resolution result, use the arp timeout
command. When you change the timeout value, this value affects only new ARP
entries. All previous ARP entries retain the old timeout value. To remove all
entries with the old timeout value, enter the clear arp cache command.
Note This timeout value affects only dynamic ARP entries. Static ARP entries are
permanent and are not affected by this timeout period.
The timeout value is the number of seconds the CSS holds an ARP resolution
result. To set a timeout value, enter an integer from 60 to 86400 (24 hours)
seconds. The default is 14400 seconds (4 hours). If you do not want the ARP
entries to time out, enter none or 86401.
For example:
(config)# arp timeout 120
To restore the default timeout value of 14400 seconds, enter:
(config)# no arp timeout
Configuring ARP Wait
To set the time, in seconds, to wait for an ARP resolution, use the arp wait
command. The wait time is the number of seconds the CSS waits for an ARP
resolution in response to an ARP request to the network. Enter an integer from 5
to 30 seconds. The default is 5.
For example:
(config)# arp wait 15
To restore the default wait time of 5 seconds, enter:
(config)# no arp wait