
Cisco EtherSwitch Service Modules Feature Guide
Troubleshooting the Cisco EtherSwitch Service Module Software
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)SEC
If the downloaded image (files and directories) are not in flash memory on the Cisco EtherSwitch service
module, repeat Step 1 through Step 6. If the procedure fails again, ensure that your TFTP connection is
up and that your TFTP session is open when you download the image.
This section provides the following examples:
Sample Output for the copy flash: xmodem Command, page 69
Sample Output for the copy tftp: xmodem: Command, page 70
Sample Output for the service-module session Command on the Cisco EtherSwitch Service Module,
page 71
Sample Output for the dir flash: Command on the Cisco EtherSwitch Service Module, page 71
Sample Output for the service-module password-reset Command on the Cisco EtherSwitch Service
Module, page 71
Sample Output for the flash_init Command on the Cisco EtherSwitch Service Module, page 72
Sample Output for the copy flash: xmodem Command
The following example shows what appears when you enter the copy flash: xmodem command:
Router# copy flash: xmodem
**** WARNING ****
x/ymodem is a slow transfer protocol limited to the current speed
settings of the auxiliary/console ports. The use of the auxiliary
port for this download is strongly recommended.
During the course of the download no exec input/output will be
---- ******* ----
Proceed? [confirm]
You are prompted for the source filename and destination filename:
Source filename [loader_bs.img]?
Destination filename [loader_bs.img]?
You are prompted for the Cisco EtherSwitch service module slot number:
Service Module slot number? [1]:
Step 8
dir flash:
switch> dir flash:
Displays a list of all files and directories in flash memory on
the service module.
Step 9
boot flash: image
switch> boot flash:c3825-i5-mz.050404
Boots the Cisco EtherSwitch service module image if all
files and directories are in flash memory on the service
Command or Action Purpose