Cisco EtherSwitch Service Modules Feature Guide
How to Configure the Cisco EtherSwitch Service Module
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)SEC
Configuring the Cisco EtherSwitch Service Module in the Router
This section describes how to perform the initial configuration on the router with a Cisco EtherSwitch
service module installed. This section also describes the initial configuration on the Cisco EtherSwitch
service module itself. Once an IP address has been configured on the Gigabit Ethernet interface on the
router (representing the Cisco EtherSwitch service module), you can open a console session to the
Cisco EtherSwitch service module and configure its Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for
Layer 2 or Layer 3 functionality.
Once the Cisco EtherSwitch service module interface has been configured and you boot up the service
module image, you can switch back and forth between the router and the service module.
1. dir flash:
2. boot flash: image-name
3. enable
4. show running configuration
5. configure terminal
6. interface slot/port
7. ip address ip address/subnet mask
8. no shutdown
9. end
10. service-module interface slot/port session
11. dir flash:
12. boot flash: image
13. enable
14. show ip interface brief
15. control+shift+6 x
16. disconnect
17. show power inline
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1
dir flash:
rommon> dir flash:
Displays a list of all files and directories in router flash
Step 2
boot flash: image-name
rommon> boot flash: c3825-i5-mz.050404
Boots the router image that supports the Cisco
EtherSwitch service module.
• Enter no when prompted to enter the initial
configuration dialog and then press Enter.