Cisco EtherSwitch Service Modules Feature Guide
How to Configure a Switch Cluster
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)SEC
This section provides the following examples:
• Sample Output for the rcommand and show version Commands, page 59
• Sample Output for the show cluster members Command, page 59
Sample Output for the rcommand and show version Commands
The following example shows what appears when you enter the rcommand command on the command
switch to see the software version running on the cluster member 3:
Switch# rcommand 3
Switch-3# show version
Cisco Internet Operating System Software ...
Note Access to the member-switch CLI is at the same privilege level as on the cluster command switch. The
Cisco IOS commands then operate as usual. Therefore, if you use the rcommand command on the
cluster command switch at the privileged level, the command accesses the cluster members at the
privileged level.
Sample Output for the show cluster members Command
The following example shows what appears when you enter the show cluster members command:
Switch# show cluster members
SN MAC Address Name PortIf FEC Hops SN PortIf FEC State
0 0002.4b29.2e00 StLouis1 0 Up (Cmdr)
1 0030.946c.d740 tal-switch-1 Fa0/13 1 0 Gi0/1 Up
2 0002.b922.7180 nms-2820 10 0 2 1 Fa0/18 Up
3 0002.4b29.4400 SanJuan2 Gi0/1 2 1 Fa0/11 Up
4 0002.4b28.c480 GenieTest Gi0/2 2 1 Fa0/9 Up
Step 3
Switch-3# exit
Exits privileged EXEC mode on the cluster member service
module to return to the command service module CLI.
Step 4
show cluster members
Switch# show cluster members
Displays information about the cluster members.
Command or Action Purpose