Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch Release 1.1 Administration Guide
Chapter 7 Monitoring CTMS System Processes
Monitoring and Restarting System Processes
Monitoring and Restarting System Processes
Process Status lists all processes currently running; the information on this page automatically refreshes
every 10 seconds.
To monitor or restart system processes:
Step 1 Click Process Status under the Monitoring folder in the Navigation Pane to open the Process Status
window. Figure 7-3 shows the Process Status screen.
Figure 7-3 Process Status Screen
Step 2 The Process Status screen initially displays a table providing the following information:
Step 3 To display a defined number of table rows, click the down arrow next to “Rows per page.” Click to
highlight and select predetermined amounts. If there are multiple pages listing log files, click the First,
Previous, Next, or Last button to navigate to the desired page.
Step 4 Click “Restart” to restart all of the processes.
When you restart CTMS system processes, all active meetings are dropped. Check for active meetings
before using this command.
Table 7-1 Process Status Table Field Descriptions
Field Description
Process Process name
Status Status of this particular process.