Cisco TelePresence System Release 1.4 Administrator’s Guide
Appendix A Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands
set damping
set damping
set damping {s | l | b | o} {fast | medium | slow}
Syntax Description
Command Modes Admin
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to set damping values for switching.
admin:set damping s fast
Related Commands
s Switching mode; switching damping refers to how long people must talk to
be switched in as active speaker.
l Lecture mode; lecture damping refers to how long somebody other than the
lecturer must talk to take the conference out of lecture mode.
b Bounce mode; bounce damping refers to how long somebody must talk to
override a bounceback source.
o Override mode; override damping refers to how long, after being
overridden, a bounceback source is switched back in.
fast Fast mode speed: .5 to 1.5 seconds
medium Medium mode speed: 1.5 to 2.5 seconds
slow Slow mode speed: 2.5 to 3.5 seconds
Release Modifications
1.1 This command was first documented.
Command Description
show damping Displays damping speeds for configured damping modes.