Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch Release 1.1 Administration Guide
Chapter 5 Managing Meetings
Ad Hoc Meetings
Figure 5-5 Meeting Templates
To create or edit a meeting template:
Step 1 Click Ad Hoc Meetings under the Meetings Management folder in the Navigation Pane to open the Ad
Hoc Meetings window.
Step 2 Click the Meeting Template tab to display the Meeting Template page.
Step 3 The Meeting Template setting screen initially displays a table providing the following information about
already defined meeting templates, as described in Table 5-5.
• To display a defined number of table rows, click the down arrow next to Rows per page. Click to
highlight and select predetermined amounts.
• To delete one of the defined meeting templates, click the radio button to the left of the table entry,
and then click Delete.
• To edit one of the defined meeting templates, click the radio button to the left of the table entry, and
then click Edit.
• To define a new meeting template, click New.
Step 4 When you click Edit or New, CTMS Administration software displays the Meeting Templates Settings
table. Enter settings as described in Table 5-6:
Table 5-5 Meeting Template Table Field Descriptions
Field Description
ID Name identifying this particular meeting template.
Description Text describing this particular meeting template.