Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960 Administrator Guide
Chapter 2 Getting Started with Your Cisco SIP IP Phone
Creating Dial Plans
We recommend that you define the dial_template parameter in the
default configuration file for maintenance and control purposes.
Specify the dial_template parameter in a phone-specific
configuration file only if that phone needs to use a different dial plan
than is being used by the other phones in the same system.
When creating a dial plan, remember the following:
Dial plans must be in an .xml format and be stored on your TFTP server.
You must specify which dial plan a phone is to use by specifying the path to
the dial plan in the dial_template parameter that you define in either the
phone-specific configuration file or the default configuration. We recommend
that the dial_template parameter be defined in the default configuration file
unless a specific phone must use a dial plan that differs from the one being
used by other phones in the same system.
<DIALTEMPLATE> indicates the start of a template and
</DIALTEMPLATE> indicates the end of a template
Rules are matched from start to finish with the longest matching rule taken as
the one to use. Matches against a period are not counted for the length to be
the longest.
Step 1
Using an ASCII editor, open a new file.
Step 2
Type <DIALTEMPLATE> to indicate the start of the dial plan template.
Step 3
For each of the numbering schemes that you wish to define, add the following
string to the template, each starting each on a separate line:
” Timeout=”
” User=”
” Rewrite=”
MATCH=”pattern” is the dial pattern to match. When entering the pattern,
use a period (.) to match any character or use an asterisk (*) to match one or
more characters. To have the phone generate a secondary dial tone when the
part of the template matches, use a comma (,).
Timeout=”sec” is the number of seconds before a timeout will occur and the
number will be dialed as entered by the user. To have the number dial
immediately, specify 0.