viii Preface
Describes the specifics of the Eicon Card Configuration.
Appendix A, “DMS100 Switch Datafill Example”
Provides a Datafill Example on the DMS100 Switch.
Typographic Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
Boldface type is used for emphasis; for example:
Real-time information is not stored in the central database.
Italic type indicates one of the following:
A newly introduced term; for example:
A skill group is a collection of agents who share similar skills.
A generic syntax item that you must replace with a specific value;
for example:
IF (condition, true-value, false-value)
A title of a publication; for example:
For more information see the Database Schema Guide for Cisco
Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted.
Sans serif type with small caps is used to represent keys on your
keyboard; for example:
Press the
key to select a range of items.
An arrow (→) indicates an item from a pull-down menu. For example,
the Save command from the File menu is referenced as File→Save.
Other Publications
For more information on Unified ICM, see the following documents:
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center
Enterprise & Hosted
Installation and Setup Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center
Enterprise & Hosted
Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center
Enterprise & Hosted
Scripting and Media Routing Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact
Center Enterprise & Hosted
For information on Cisco Network Applications Manager (NAM), see the
following documents:
Product Description Guide for Cisco Unified ICM Hosted
Setup and Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM Hosted Edition
Multiple-NAM Setup and Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM