Object Mapping 41
From the Termination Call Details of the call associated with the
Peripheral Default Route, the customer can track down the unknown call
types. The Termination Call Detail will provide the ACD-DN associated
with the call. The Customer can then update the configuration to include
the non-configured call types.
2.12.7. Skill Groups
The Cisco Skill Group abstraction is defined as “a collection of Agents
that share a common set of skills.” The DMS-100 ACD Groups are
consistent with the Cisco definition of a Skill Group. The Cisco Skill
Group contains the following fields: a SkillTargetID, a Peripheral Number,
a Peripheral Name and an Extension Number. The SkillTargetID is
utilized by the Router to target Skill Groups in the Scripting Language.
The following table defines the SkillGroup/DMS-100 ACD Group Object
member mapping used when configuring a Skill Group in the software.
Table 15: Unified ICM to DMS-100 Skill Group Mapping
Unified ICM SkillTargetID
defined by Cisco
Last four to six digits of
Pri m a r y A C D -DN of the
ACD Group
Last four to six digits of
Dial Plan Directory
Number of the Primary
ACD-DN assigned to the
ACD Group.
P r i m a r y A C D -DN of the
ACD Group
Dial Plan Directory
Number of the Primary
ACD-DN assigned to the
ACD Group.
Name associated with an
ACD DN of an ACD
** The selection of last four to six digits of Primary ACD-DN has
to be unique within “Skill_Group All” in the Configure
ICM dialog.
On the DMS-100, an ACD Group can be assigned one Primary ACD-DN
and up to 16 Supplementary ACD-DNs. Calls arriving with the Primary
ACD-DN are queued to the ACD Group at priority 0 (Highest priority).
The Supplementary ACD-DNs assigned to the ACD Groups are given a
priority in the range of 0-3 where 3 is the lowest priority. Calls are
answered by Agents assigned to the ACD Group based on the arrival and
priority of the call. A call waiting longer in the Priority 1 queue will not be
serviced if a call is pending in the Priority 0 queue. Calls offered to an
ACD Group that have available Agents are assigned to the MOST IDLE