44 Unified ICM Configuration
application to indicate the event. The DMS100 PG uses the DV-Appl-Stat-
F interface to periodically interrogate the DMS100 switch for the all
monitored ACD groups to examine whether the Agents have been re-
assigned from one Skill Group to another Skill Group.
The DV-Appl-Stat-Qry interface is supported in the CompuCALL
software version NA09 or above.
Because of periodical interrogation, the DMS100 PG will not know any
Agent Skill Group re-assignment until the next time it interrogates the
ACP1000 switch. The interval is controlled by the Windows NT Registry
entry, “..\DMS100Data\ Dynamic\AgentGroupChangeTimerResolution”.
The default value for “..\DMS100Data\
Dynamic\AgentGroupChangeTimerResolution” is 0 that virtually disables
the DMS100 PG option to periodically interrogate the DMS100 switch.
There is CompuCALL link bandwidth consideration when applying the
approach to deal with the Agent Skill Group re-assignment. When the
DMS100 PG used the DV-Appl-Stat-Qry interface, the DMS100 will
acknowledge with a DV-Agent-Status-U message for each Agent. The
DMS100 switch CompuCALL X.25 link with 19.2 kbps can deliver
messages for 5 calls/second, assuming 4 messages per call statistically. I f
the DMS100 PG interrogates the switch with 240 ACD agents configured
for Agent Skill Group re-assignment every minute, the DMS100 switch
can only deliver the CompuCALL message for 4 calls/second. This is
because there are extra 240 DV-Agent-Status-U messages in every minute.
When a new DN is added in the PMT of the PG explorer, the PIM sends a
request to associate with the DMS100 switch. If the DN is successfully
associated with the DMS100 switch for the first time, PIM sends the “DV-Appl-
Stat-Qry” message to the DMS100 switch. If the switch responds with the error
“ACD DN missing,” the PIM tries to associate the DN 8504889080 for a
second time. As a result, the DMS100 switch responds with an error “DN
Already In Set.” Due to this, the DMS100 PIM cycles. This issue is caused due
to the incorrect error message sent by the Nortel DMS100 switch.