Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0)
Chapter 7 Upgrading the Cisco ATA Signaling Image
Upgrading the Signaling Image Manually
• tftp_server_ip is the TFTP server that contains the latest signaling image file.
• image_id is a unique 32-bit integer that differs with each upgrade. You can determine this 32-bit
integer value by using the build date on the image file name and prepending it with "0x". For
example, if the image_file_name is ata186-v2-14-020514a.kxz, then the build date is 020508a, and
the image_id is 0x020508a).
• image_file_name is the firmware upgrade-image file name. The image_file_name format is:
- M is the major version number
- N is the minor version number (always two digits)
- yymmdd is a two-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day
- a-f is the build letter (- yymmdd and a-f together form the build date of the image)
- ext must be ".kxz" for upgrading from version 2.11 and below, and can be ".zup" for
upgrading from version 2.12 and up for the Cisco ATA186, but it must be ".zup" for upgrading
the Cisco ATA188.
Whenever the Cisco ATA administrator stores a new signaling image (denoted by a change to the
image_id), the Cisco ATA upgrades its firmware with the new image_file. To contact the TFTP server,
the Cisco ATA uses the TFTP server IP address that is contained within the value of the upgradecode
The upgradecode parameter value could be:
This instructs the Cisco ATA to upgrade its firmware to ata186-v2-15-020723a.zup by downloading the
ata186-v2-15-020723a.zup file from the TFTP server IP address of This download
occurs after the Cisco ATA downloads its configuration file that contains the directive from the
upgradecode parameter. Also, the upgrade occurs only if the internally cached image_id in Cisco ATA
is different from the value 0x020723a.
Upgrading the Signaling Image Manually
This section describes how to manually upgrade the Cisco ATA with the most recent signaling image.
The executable file that you need is called ata186us.exe, and is bundled in the Cisco ATA
release-software zip file.
This section contains the following topics:
• Preliminary Steps, page 7-3
• Running the Executable File, page 7-3