Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0)
Chapter 5 Parameters and Defaults
Tone Configuration Parameters
• TotalToneTime is the total length of time that the tone plays. If this value is 0, the tone will play
until another call event stops the tone.
This value is in 10 ms units (100 ms = 1 second).
Two examples of Extended Format B, both using the Reorder tone, follow.
ReorderTone Parameter Example1
Assume that you want a reorder tone in which:
• The frequencies 900 Hz, 1400 Hz, and 1800 Hz play sequentially.
• Each frequency plays once for 0.33 seconds.
• There is no silence after the first and the second frequencies.
• There is 1 second of silence after the third frequency (before the first frequency starts again)
• The volume of each frequency is –19 dBm.
• The tone plays until another call event stops the tone.
For this reorder tone, make the following setting. See Table 5-5 for a detailed explanation.
Table 5-5 Reorder Tone Parameter Example 1 Explanation
Component Setting Explanation
Sequential 101 Frequencies play sequentially
NumOfFreqs 3 Three frequencies in the tone
TFreq1 24917 First frequency is 900 Hz
TAmpl1 3405 First frequency volume is –19 dBm
TFreq2 14876 Second frequency is 1400 Hz
TAmp2 4671 Second frequency volume is –19 dBm
TFreq3 5126 Third frequency is 1800 Hz
TAmp3 5178 Third frequency volume is –19 dBm
NumOfOnOffPairs 3 Three on-off pairs in the cadence of the tone
OnTime1 2640 Sound in first on-off pair plays for 0.33
OffTime 0 No silence after the first sound (the second
sound plays immediately)
OnTime2 2640 Sound in second on-off pair plays for 0.33
OffTime2 0 No silence after the second sound (the third
sound plays immediately)
OnTime3 2640 Sound in third on-off pair plays for 0.33
OffTime3 8000 1 second of silence after the sound in the third
on-off pair (before the pattern repeats,
beginning with the first on-off pair)