Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0)
Chapter 5 Parameters and Defaults
Operational Parameters
This parameter controls various timeouts. Table 5-3 contains bit definitions of this parameter.
Value Type
Voice Configuration Menu Access Code
Table 5-3 SigTimer Parameter Bit Definitions
Bit Number Definition
0-7 Call waiting period—The period between each burst of call-waiting tone.
Range: 0 to 255 in 0.1 seconds
Default: 100 (0x64=100 seconds)
8-15 PING period—Period in idle state before the Cisco ATA sends a NTFY command with observed event "O:
X-NET/ping" to the call agent. Idle state is defined as the state when the Cisco ATA is not sending or
receiving any MGCP request or response; the Cisco ATA does not process any response to the PING from
the Call Agent.
Range: 0 to 255 seconds
Default: 0 (disables this feature)
16-25 Reserved—Should be set to 0.
26-27 Minimum hook flash time—The minimum on-hook time required for a hook flash event.
Range: 0 to 3
Default: 0 (60 ms)
Other possible values: 1=100 ms, 2=200 ms, 3=300 ms.
28-31 Maximum hook flash time—The maximum on-hook time allowed for a hook flash event.
Range: 0 to 15
Default: 0 (1000 ms)
Other possible values: 1=100 ms, 2=200 ms, 3=300 ms, 4=400 ms, 5=500 ms, 6=600 ms, 7=700 ms, 8=800
ms, 9=900 ms, 10=1000 ms, 11=1100 ms, 12=1200 ms, 13=1300 ms, 14=1400 ms, 15=1500 ms.