Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Administrator Guide (SIP)
Chapter 8 Profile and Web Page Parameters and Defaults
Call Preference Parameters
Time Format
(on web page)
(in profile)
Specifies the format for the time that appears on the phone’s LCD screen. This
format is specified by one or more of the following characters:
h—designates the hour in 12-hour format.
H—designates the hour in 24-hour format.
i or I—designates minutes.
a or A—for 12-hour format, include “p” with times from noon until one minute
before midnight.
: (colon)—displays a colon that blinks every second.
For example, when the current time is 1:30 P.M.,
• h:ia causes the time to appear as 1:30 p.
• H:I causes the time to appear as 13:30.
Value type: Alphanumeric string, up to 15 characters.
Default value: h:ia
Date Format
(on web page)
(in profile)
Specifies the format for the date that appears on the phone’s LCD screen. This
format is specified by one or more of the following characters:
m—designates the month as a number 1 through 12.
M—designates the month as a three-letter abbreviation, Jan through Dec.
d or D—designates the day of the month.
y—designates a two-digit year (such as 03 for 2003).
Y—designates a four-digit year.
Other characters—appear as entered.
For example, when the current date is March 10, 2003:
• m-d-y causes the date to appear as 3-10-03.
• M d, Y causes the date to appear as Mar 20, 2003.
• Y/m/d causes the date to appear as 2003/3/10.
Value type: Alphanumeric string, up to 15 characters.
Default value: m-d-y
Table 8-3 Call Preference Parameters (continued)
Parameter Description