Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Administrator Guide (SIP)
Configuring the
Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and
7912G Using Web Pages
Each phone has a web page from which you can view and update many device and
network parameter values. You can also use the web page to obtain a variety of
statistical and operational information about the phone. This chapter describes
how use a phone’s web page to configure parameters and to obtain information.
You can also configure many parameters for a Cisco IP Phone using the
configuration menus on the phone and using profiles. For more information, see
Chapter 5, “Configuring the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Using the
Phone Menus,” and Chapter 6, “Configuring the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G
and 7912G Using a TFTP Server.”
For an explanation of the parameters that you can configure from a phone’s web
page, see Chapter 8, “Profile and Web Page Parameters and Defaults.”
For a list of the configurable parameters on the phone menus and their equivalent
web page and profile parameters, see Appendix B, “Phone Menu, Web Page, and
Profile Equivalent Parameters.”
If you are not using a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, you
must manually configure the IP address of the phone, the subnet mask used by the
phone, and the network gateway (default router) IP address for the phone before
you can access the web page for the phone. For more information, see the
“Minimum Configuration Settings for the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and
7912G” section on page 3-9.