Chapter 6 Configuring the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Server
Using Encryption
Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Administrator Guide (SIP)
The EncryptKey parameter or the profile Encrypt Key parameter and the
encryption key used in the cfgfmt tool command syntax must match.
The cfgfmt.exe syntax affects how the EncryptKey parameter is used, as shown
in the following examples. In these examples, input_text is the ldxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt
or the gkxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt file that you will convert to a binary profile,
output_binary is the binary ldxxxxxxxxxxxx or gkxxxxxxxxxxxx file, and Secret is
the encryption key.
Syntax examples
• cfgfmt input-text-file output-binary-file
If input-text-file sets the EncryptKey parameter to 0, then output-binary-file
is not encrypted. If input-text-file sets EncryptKey to a non-zero value, then
output-binary-file is encrypted with that value.
• cfgfmt -eSecret input-text-file output-binary-file
If the EncryptKey parameter has the value of 0 or is not included in
input-text-file, the Secret is used to encrypt the output-binary-file. If
input-text-file sets the EncryptKey parameter to a nonzero value and the -e
option is used, then output-binary-file is encrypted with the EncryptKey
parameter set in input-text-file and Secret is ignored.
• cfgfmt -E input-text-file output-binary-file
The -E (uppercase) option means that any value specified for the EncryptKey
parameter in input-text-file is ignored. However, because Secret is not
specified in this example, output-binary-file is not encrypted. Nevertheless,
the EncryptKey parameter and its value, if specified in input-file-text, will be
included in output-binary-file for possible encryption at a later time.
• cfgfmt -E -eSecret input-text-file
The -E (uppercase) option means that any value specified for the EncryptKey
parameter in input-text-file is ignored and the output-binary-file is encrypted
with the Secret key. However, the EncryptKey parameter and its value, if
specified in input-text-file, will be included in output-binary-file.