Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Chapter 2 Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series SSL Services Module
debug ssl-proxy
debug ssl-proxy
To turn on the debug flags in different system components, use the debug ssl-proxy command. Use the
no form of this command to turn off the debug flags.
debug ssl-proxy {app | content [type] | fdu [type] | flash [module [module]] | health-probe | ipc |
pki [type] | ssl [type] | tcp [type] | vlan}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes EXEC
app Turns on App debugging.
content type Turns on content debugging; (optional) type valid values are detail, error,
ipc, module module, rewriting, and scanning. See the “Usage Guidelines”
section for additional information.
fdu type Turns on FDU debugging; (optional) type valid values are cli, hash, ipc, and
trace. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for additional information.
flash Turns on Flash debugging.
module module Specifies the module to be debugged.
The available options for the module variable are as follows:
• fdu—FDU CPU
• ssl1—SSL1 CPU
• tcp1—TCP1 CPU
health-probe Turns on health probe debugging.
ipc Turns on IPC debugging.
pki type Turns on PKI debugging; (optional) type valid values are cert, events,
history, ipc, and key. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for additional
ssl type Turns on SSL debugging; (optional) type valid values are alert, error,
handshake, and pkt. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for additional
tcp type Turns on TCP debugging; (optional) type valid values are event, packet,
state, and timers. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for additional
vlan Turns on VLAN debugging.