Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Chapter 2 Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series SSL Services Module
clear ssl-proxy stats
clear ssl-proxy stats
To reset the statistics counters that are maintained in the different system components on the SSL
Services Module, use the clear ssl-proxy stats command.
clear ssl-proxy stats [context [name] | crypto | fdu | hdr | ipc | module [module] | pki | service |
ssl | tcp | url]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes EXEC
context (Optional) Clears statistics information about the context.
name (Optional) Specifies the name of the context.
crypto (Optional) Clears statistics information about the crypto.
fdu (Optional) Clears statistics information about the FDU.
hdr (Optional) Clears statistics information about HTTP header insertion.
ipc (Optional) Clears statistics information about the inter-process communications
module module (Optional) Clears statistics information about the specified module type.
The available options for the module variable are as follows:
• all—All CPUs
• fdu—FDU CPU
• ssl1—SSL1 CPU
• tcp1—TCP1 CPU
• tcp2—TCP2 CPU
pki (Optional) Clears information about the public key infrastruture (PKI).
service name (Optional) Clears statistics information for a specific service.
ssl (Optional) Clears statistics information about the SSL.
tcp (Optional) Clears statistics information about the TCP.
url (Optional) Clears statistics information about URL rewrite.