Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Power Management and Environmental
This chapter describes the power management and environmental monitoring features in the
Catalyst 6500 series switches.
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, refer to the
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference publication.
This chapter consists of these sections:
• Understanding How Power Management Works, page 38-1
• Understanding How Environmental Monitoring Works, page 38-4
Understanding How Power Management Works
These sections describe power management in the Catalyst 6500 series switches:
• Enabling or Disabling Power Redundancy, page 38-2
• Using the CLI to Power Modules Off and On, page 38-3
• Using the CLI to View System Power Status, page 38-3
• Using the CLI to Power Cycle Modules, page 38-4
• Determining System Power Requirements, page 38-4
Note In systems with redundant power supplies, both power supplies must be of the same wattage. The
Catalyst 6500 series switches allow you to mix AC-input and DC-input power supplies in the same
chassis. For detailed information on supported power supply configurations, refer to the Catalyst 6500
Series Switch Installation Guide.
The modules have different power requirements, and certain configurations require more power than a
single power supply can provide. Although the power management feature allows you to power all
installed modules with two power supplies, redundancy is not supported in this configuration. Redundant
and nonredundant power configurations are discussed in the following sections.
To determine the power requirements for your system, see the “Determining System Power
Requirements” section on page 38-4.