
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 20 Configuring IPX Unicast Layer 3 Switching on Supervisor Engine 1
Displaying IPX MLS Information
Displaying IPX MLS Cache Entries for a Specific Interface
To display IPX MLS entries for a specific interface, perform this task:
This example shows how to display IPX MLS entries for IPX Fast Ethernet interface 5/4:
Router# show mls ipx interface fastethernet 5/4
DstNet-DstNode SrcNet DstVlan-DstMac Pkts Bytes
SrcDstPorts SrcDstEncap Age LastSeen
Number of Entries Found = 0
Displaying IPX MLS Cache Entries for a Specific MAC Destination or Source Address
To display IPX MLS entries for a specific MAC destination or source address, perform this task:
This example shows how to display IPX MLS entries for a specific MAC destination address:
Router# show mls ipx macd aaaa.bbbb.bbbb
DstNet-DstNode SrcNet DstVlan-DstMac Pkts Bytes
SrcDstPorts SrcDstEncap Age LastSeen
Number of Entries Found = 0
Displaying the IPX MLS Contention Table
The show mls table-contention command displays the flow contention level for the switch. The table
contention level (TCL) is indicated with a number ranging from 0 (normal) to 3 (maximum). When
reaching levels 1 through 3, accelerated aging starts, which begins to age out entries at a rate suitable to
reduce the current contention rate. The detailed option displays the breakdown of contention between
different flows.
Command Purpose
Router# show mls ipx interface {{vlan
vlan_ID} | {type
slot/port} |
{port-channel number}}
1. type = ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet
Displays IPX MLS cache entries for a specific
Command Purpose
Router# show mls ipx [macd destination_address |
macs source_address]
Displays IPX MLS cache entries for a specific destination or
source MAC address.