Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 18 Configuring IP Multicast Layer 3 Switching
Configuring IP Multicast Layer 3 Switching
To display IP multicast Layer 3 switching information for an IP PIM Layer 3 interface, perform one of
these tasks:
These examples show how to display the IP PIM configuration of the interfaces:
Router# show ip pim interface count
State:* - Fast Switched, D - Distributed Fast Switched
H - Hardware Switching Enabled
Address Interface FS Mpackets In/Out GigabitEthernet4/8 * H 952/4237130770 GigabitEthernet4/9 * H 1385673757/34 GigabitEthernet4/10* H 0/34 FastEthernet6/26 * H 0/0 FastEthernet6/37 * H 0/0 FastEthernet6/47 * H 514/68
Router# show ip mroute count
IP Multicast Statistics
56 routes using 28552 bytes of memory
13 groups, 3.30 average sources per group
Forwarding Counts:Pkt Count/Pkts per second/Avg Pkt Size/Kilobits per second
Other counts:Total/RPF failed/Other drops(OIF-null, rate-limit etc)
Group:, Source count:1, Group pkt count:29051
Source:, Forwarding:29051/-278/1186/0, Other:85724/8/56665
Note The -tive counter means that the outgoing interface list of the corresponding entry is NULL, and this
indicates that this flow is still active.
This example shows how to display the IP multicast Layer 3 switching configuration of interface
VLAN 10:
Router# show ip interface vlan 10
Vlan10 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
Broadcast address is
Address determined by non-volatile memory
MTU is 1500 bytes
Helper address is not set
Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
Multicast reserved groups joined:
Outgoing access list is not set
Inbound access list is not set
Proxy ARP is enabled
Security level is default
Split horizon is enabled
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are never sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
Command Purpose
Router# show ip pim interface [{{vlan vlan_ID} |
slot/port} | {port-channel number}}] count
1. type = ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet
Displays IP multicast Layer 3 switching enable state
information for all MSFC IP PIM Layer 3 interfaces.
Router# show ip interface
Displays the IP multicast Layer 3 switching enable state on
the Layer 3 interfaces.