Installation and Upgrades for G700 with S8300 or S8700
555-234-100 — Issue 3 — May 2003
Port network interface
Port network link
Processor occupancy evaluation
point of presence (POP)
A physical place where a carrier has presence for network access. A POP is usually a switch or a router. See also router
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
A connection-oriented, packet-data protocol that is commonly used in support of dial-up access from a personal computer
to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). PPP uses an analog line through the public switched telephone network (PSTN), but
provides many of the benefits of a direct connection.
See point of presence (POP).
A data-transmission access point or voice-transmission access point on a device that is used for communicating with
other devices.
port carrier
A carrier in a multicarrier cabinet or a single-carrier cabinet. A port carrier contains port circuit packs, power units, and
service circuits. In a single-carrier cabinet, a port carrier is also called a port cabinet.
port interfaces
Interfaces that connect to trunks, voice links, data links, and communications equipment.
port network (PN)
A cabinet that contains a time-division multiplex (TDM) bus and a packet bus to which port circuit packs, control circuit
packs, service circuit packs, and power converter circuit packs can be connected. Each PN is controlled either locally or
remotely by a switch processing element (SPE). See also packet bus
; switch processing element (SPE); time-division
multiplex (TDM) bus.
port network connectivity
An alternative to the direct connect configuration or the center stage switch (CSS) configuration when connecting a
processor port network (PPN) to one or more expansion port networks (EPNs).
Postal Telephone and Telegraph (PTT)
The official government body that administers and manages the telecommunications systems in many European
power failure transfer
emergency transfer.
Periodic pulse metering
See Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).
processor port network (PPN).