1 Roadmap and Reference: Installation Roadmap and Task Lists
Installation and Upgrades for G700 with S8300 or S8700
555-234-100 — Issue 3 — May 2003
Checklist 3
Upgrade an Existing G700 with an
S8300 (Primary or LSP)
Use the following checklist to upgrade a G700 Media Gateway with the following characteristics:
• The G700 has an S8300 Media Server configured as the primary controller.
• The G700 has an S8300 Media Server configured as an LSP and is controlled by either an S8300 or
an S8700 Media Server.
You will use Chapter 5 with this checklist. For help with connecting to and logging in to the G700 or S8300,
see Connection Methods
in this chapter.
Checklist 3. Task List to Upgrade an Existing G700 with an S8300 (Primary or LSP)
“Upgrade Overview” on page 208
“Before Going to the Customer Site” on
page 209
- Get planning forms
- Get the G700 serial number
- Check FTP server for back up
- Complete the RFA process
- Download update (Patch) software to laptop, if necessary
“Installing Hardware for the G700
Media Gateway and S8300 Media
Server” on page 61
- On site checklist
- Unpack and check the order
- Install the G700
- Cable multiple units
- Attach ground conductors
“On site Preparation for the Upgrade”
on page 212
- Install new license file, if necessary
- Install authentication file, if necessary
- Save translations, if new license/authentication files installed
- Preparation if S8300 is a primary controller
- Determine software to install
- Transfer files from CD or laptop
- Stop LSPs
“Upgrade the Software on the S8300”
on page 221
- Install software