5 Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300: Before Going to the Customer Site
Installation and Upgrades for G700 with S8300 or S8700
555-234-100 — Issue 3 — May 2003
Note: For an upgrade, you do not normally need to install a new authentication file (with
a .pwd extension). However, if one is required, follow the same steps as with a
license file.
License File and Communication Manager Versions for a Local Survivable Processor
The license file of the S8300 as an LSP must have a feature set that is equal to or greater than that of
the media server that acts as primary controller (an S8300 or S8700). This is necessary so that if
control passes to the LSP, it can allow the same level of call processing as that of the primary
Additionally, the LSP must have a version of Communication Manager that is identical to that of the
primary controller.
The license file requirements of the LSP should be identified in your planning documentation.
Complete and Download the License File to Your Laptop
Use Windows File Explorer or another file management program to create a directory on your
laptop for storing license and authentication files (for example, C:\licenses).
2. Access the Internet from your laptop.
3. Go to rfa.avaya.com.
4. Use the System ID or the SAP ID of the customer to locate the license and authentication files for
the customer.
5. Check that the license and authentication files are complete. You might need to add the serial
number of the customer’s G700.
6. If the files are not complete, complete them.
7. Use the download or E-mail capabilities of the RFA web site to download the license and
authentication files to your laptop.
Run the ART Tool for the INADS IP Address, if Necessary
This step is normally not necessary for an upgrade of an existing system.
The ART tool is a software tool that generates an IP address for a customer’s INADS alarming
modem. This IP address is required for configuring the S8300’s modem for alarming.
Note: You must generate a license and authentication file before you use the ART tool.
Also, the ART process is available only to Avaya personnel. Non-Avaya
personnel must contact their service support or customer care center for INADS
addresses, if required.
1. Access the ART web site on your laptop at the URL, http://tscxp1.sd.avaya.com:8000/cgi-
2. Run the ART program and write down the IP address for the customer’s INADS line.
Download Update Software to Your Laptop, if Necessary
If a software update patch is not required for this installation or upgrade, skip to the next section.