SIP Release Notes 124 Document #: LTRT-26901
CPE SIP Products 4xx Response – Client Failure Responses
Table 2-9: Supported 4xx SIP Responses
4xx Response Supported Comments
400 Bad Request Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message, and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
401 Unauthorized Yes Authentication support for Basic and Digest. Upon receiving
this message, the device issues a new request according to
the scheme received on this response.
402 Payment
Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message, and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
403 Forbidden Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message, and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
404 Not Found Yes The device generates this response if it is unable to locate
the callee. Upon receiving this response, the device notifies
the User with a Reorder Tone.
405 Method Not
Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
406 Not Acceptable Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
407 Proxy
Yes Authentication support for Basic and Digest. Upon receiving
this message, the device issues a new request according to
the scheme received on this response.
408 Request
Yes The device generates this response if the no-answer timer
expires. Upon receipt of this message and before a 200 OK
has been received, the device responds with an ACK and
disconnects the call.
409 Conflict Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
410 Gone Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
411 Length
Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
413 Request Entity
Too Large
Yes The device doesn't generate this response. Upon receipt of
this message and before a 200 OK has been received, the
device responds with an ACK and disconnects the call.
415 Unsupported
Yes If the device receives a 415 Unsupported Media response, it
notifies the User with a Reorder Tone.
The device generates this response in case of SDP