Version 6.2 123 December 2010
SIP Release Notes 2. Supported Features 1xx Response – Information Responses
Table 2-6: Supported 1xx SIP Responses
1xx Response Supported Comments
100 Trying Yes The device generates this response upon receiving a Proceeding
message from ISDN or immediately after placing a call for CAS
180 Ringing Yes The device generates this response for an incoming INVITE
message. Upon receiving this response, the device waits for a
200 OK response.
181 Call is
Yes The device doesn't generate these responses. However, the
device does receive them. The device processes these
responses the same way that it processes the 100 Trying
182 Queued Yes The device generates this response in Call Waiting service.
When the SIP device receives a 182 response, it plays a special
waiting Ringback tone to the telephone side.
183 Session
Yes The device generates this response if the Early Media feature is
enabled and if the device plays a Ringback tone to IP 2xx Response – Successful Responses
Table 2-7: Supported 2xx SIP Responses
2xx Response Supported Comments
200 OK Yes -
202 Accepted Yes - 3xx Response – Redirection Responses
Table 2-8: Supported 3xx SIP Responses
3xx Response Supported Comments
300 Multiple
Yes The device responds with an ACK, and then resends the
request to the first new address in the contact list.
301 Moved
Yes The device responds with an ACK, and then resends the
request to the new address.
302 Moved
Yes The device generates this response when call forward is
used to redirect the call to another destination. If such a
response is received, the calling device initiates an INVITE
message to the new destination.
305 Use Proxy Yes The device responds with an ACK, and then resends the
request to a new address.
380 Alternate
Yes The device responds with an ACK, and then resends the
request to a new address.